In 2022, COERR Kanchanaburi initiated a new program called Mobile Child Friendly Spaces in Ban Don Yang Temporary Shelter, Sangkhlaburi District, Kanchanaburi Province, in an effort to expand the activities to reach more children for their outdoor play skills and learning development.
The pilot activities started in February in 4 sections of Ban Don Yang temporary shelter. Each had about 20 children. The program started at 07.00 a.m. with exercising and playing games. Then children were separated by age. The younger participated in drawing, paining, telling tales and singing. The older children went to play sports, games and varieties of competitions.
Besides, meeting was arranged for discussion and further planning for improvement of the program. There were more child participants than planned. It was found that morning was appropriate time for activities as the weather was good and there was not too much sunshine. The younger children should be separated from the older ones. More loudspeakers should be installed to compete with the loud noises of large numbers of children participated in the program, and, eventually, there should be more snacks and drinks for more participants next month.
